Tuesday, September 4, 2012

YWN [chicago-aneinu] Alter Belzer Rebitzen Hospitalized

The Alter Belzer Rebitzen has been hospitalized. She is the second wife of Rav Aaron of Belz ZT”L ZY”A and her condition is described as very serious by officials in Bnei Brak’s Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital. The rebitzen was transported to the hospital on motzei shabbos and her condition has since deteriorated. The 97-year-old rebitzen has been hospitalized a number of times during recent months. On Monday night the eve of 17 Elul 5772 a great grandchild was married — a son of her grandson HaRav HaTzaddik Rav Yehoshua Pollack ZT”L from Kalbsob (קאלבסוב). The tzibur is urged to be mispallel for הרבנית חנה בת ברכה דבורה לרפואה שלמה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל.

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