Monday, October 29, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Please Say Kappitel 69

There are over 5,300 w/o power in Lakewood alone, and the hurricane has not hit yet. Please keep them in your tefillos. From: "Agudath Israel of Long Island" Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 13:39:13 -0400 To: Agudath Israel of Long Island Subject: More on Hurricane Sandy L’chvod Kol Hakohul, Amu”sh As the day progresses, and much talk and thought is about Hurricane Sandy, our thoughts should be directed to Hashem who is Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem. It behooves us to say a Tefiloh that this Gevuros should be of Chesed and not Din. One of our Kehilla pointed out to me that today is 13 days in Cheshvan. The corresponding Tehillim for this “day of the month” is “Kapitol 69” please look for it and say it, the Metaphor is The onslaught of water which looks to drown me the nimshal Dovid Hamelech in his prophecy bemoans Klal Yisroel’s plight in Golus (compares it to high waters) and Davens for our speedy redemption. How timely and appropriate for our time and day. In Addition a day like today, hopefully an extra day off with the children at home gives us many opportunities to “catch up” on many things; including Homework, learning, quality time etc. Think about coming to shul with your son today. What lesson and memory would you create for a lifetime of the eternity of Torah under any and all circumstances. The shul is open for Torah and Tefiloh with nice attendance. And added Tefillos Mincha 1:45, 2:45, and 5:35. Maariv 6:10. 8:45, 9:15, 10:00 and 10:30. Brocho V’hatzlacha V’chol Tuv B’yedidus, Yaakov Reisman

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