Sunday, November 25, 2012

Builders and CD Bundle: Rav Aaron Kotler by Hanoch Teller

(ONLINE ONLY DEAL)In Honor of the Rosh Yeshiva's yahrzeit Description There is no man to whom American Jewry is more indebted than HaGaon, Rav Aaron Kotler zt”l. Single-handedly, he changed the landscape of a country fixated on “getting ahead” and all of the implications contained in that catch phrase. At the time a college education and landing a job was considered far more important, indeed not even to be compared, to the value of yeshivah study. In the 1940’s and 50’s no one could have dreamt that there would be tens of thousands of men in their twenties and through their first-married years learning Torah full-time. Who knows if this would still not be a dream, if not for Rav Aaron Kotler. America is commemorating a vital, watershed date with the 50th yarhzeit of Rav Aaron Kotler. In honor of this occasion we are offering an unprecedented discount on the beloved, informative and inspiring biography by the favorite biographer of our generation, Rabbi Hanoch Teller. Builders is the story of three spiritual leaders: Rabbi Aaron Kotler, Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman and Frau Sara Schenirer whose insight, foresight, devotion and innovation changed indeed, created the Yeshivah and Bais Yaakov world of today. In addition, two hour-long lectures about the Lakewood Rosh HaYeshivah in a handsome CD album will be included (while supply lasts) at no extra charge. Both of these lectures delivered by Rabbi Teller have been described as audio classics. The inspiring and instructive information contained in Builders and The Righteous Live On lectures are fundamental knowledge for any observant Jew.

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