Sunday, November 18, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Initiative to Daven for IDF Soldier Relaunched

Initiative of Bostoner Rebbe zt”l to Daven for IDF Soldier Relaunched Sunday November 18, 2012 1:14 PM Four years ago, during the last Gaza war, the Bostoner Rebbe zt”l encouraged an undertaking in which Yidden would daven and learn on behalf of an Israeli soldier in active duty. The concept has now been relaunched for the present operation in Gaza, with a global response from Jews from various walks of life. If you wish to daven and learn for a soldier or give a name of a soldier to be davened for, call 02.581.1911. (From chutz laaretz, dial 011.972.2.581.1911.) { Israel News Bureau}

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