Sunday, November 4, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Update On Wendy Runge

Please daven for Zeva Rochel bas Chaya. Tehillim below. Update On Wendy Runge Sunday November 4, 2012 3:54 AM Wendy Runge’s appeal was scheduled for Simchas Torah. The court refused to change the date saying that they would decide the appeal without her or her lawyer present. Wendy was only informed of their decision a few days ago. Her appeal was rejected, meaning that they were upholding the 10 yr sentence imposed by the original presiding judge. She now has only two weeks, until Nov. 20th, to put together a final appeal to the Iowa Supreme Court. Tehillim is being organized to say the whole sefer every day from now until Nov. 20th for her yeshua, for the Supreme Court to agree to hear the appeal and overturn the lower court’s ruling and that Wendy should be able to attend her daughter Talia’s wedding on Shevat 2/ January 13 in Eretz Israel. Email the perokim you will say. Read more about Wendy’s case here and here.

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