Thursday, November 15, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Updates - Fatalities in Kiryat Malachi

Yeshiva World News Operation Pillar of Defense Thursday, Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5773 [UPDATED 8:45AM IL](Thursday, November 15th, 2012) UPDATE 08:53AM IL: Iron Dome intercepts five rockets. Three explosions heard in Ashdod. Some areas did not hear a siren. UPDATE 08:53AM IL: Sirens in Eshkol council and Gan Yavne. UPDATE 08:51AM IL: Sirens sounding in Kiryat Malachi and Ashkelon industrial area. UPDATE 08:50AM IL: Infant sustained moderate injuries in Kiryat Malachi rocket attack, Ichud Hatzalah confirms. UPDATE 08:46AM IL: Ichud Hatzalah reports at least three dead in Kiryat Malachi rocket attack UPDATE 08:45AM IL: Baruch Dayan Emmes: A female was killed in a rocket attack in Kiryat Malachi. Others are trapped in the apartment building that was hit by a rocket. Damage appears to be extensive. UPDATE 08:43AM IL: Sirens in Beersheva . UPDATE 08:41AM IL: Israel Radio reports people are trapped in Kiryat Malachi building hit by a rocket. Rescue teams heading to the scene UPDATE 08:37AM IL: Ichud Hatzalah confirms female injured critically in rocket attack in Kiryat Malachi. Rocket struck a fourth floor apartment. CPR in progress. UPDATE 08:35AM IL: Reports from Kiryat Malachi. One person in critical condition as a result of a direct hit to an apartment building. Others injured less seriously. UPDATE 08:34AM IL: IDF tanks and naval ships firing at terrorists in Gaza, seeking to take out rocket launching sites. MDA spokesman Zaki Heller reports treating four victims of shrapnel as well as an unspecified number of people treated for hysteria and panic. The IDF is making phone calls to Gazans warning them of the imminent attacks, advising them to distance from terrorists. UPDATE 08:32AM IL: Iron Dome downs three rockets heading to Ashdod. Sirens sounding again in Ashdod. UPDATE 08:31AM IL: One million southern residents in rocket range. In Kiryat Malachi, two injured, one listed as moderate and two light condition, apparently from shrapnel. Sirens sounding in Ashdod and Yavne at this time. UPDATE 08:27AM IL: A home was hit in Ashdod. B’chasdei Hashem, there are no injuries being reported. Sirens sounding in many areas. Iron Dome intercepting many rockets heading for major southern cities. UPDATE 08:20AM IL: Psychological support hotline: 1-800-363-363. There are reports of injuries in Ashdod and Kiryat Malachi. Emergency services are responding to the scenes. UPDATE 08:18AM IL: Rockets fired towards Nitzanim, Gan Yavne, Chatzor, and Ashdod. UPDATE 08:17AM IL: Sirens in Shar HaNegev Council, Ashdod and Gadera. UPDATE 08:16AM IL: At least 10 rockets fired in last round. Ashkelon Coast sirens sounding again. UPDATE 08:14AM IL: Another round of sirens in Ashdod, Kiryat Malachi. Loud explosion heard in Ashdod. Emergency personnel seeking to track impact area. Sirens sounding in Ashkelon and Zikim. UPDATE 08:12AM IL: Sirens sounding in Ashdod, Be’er Tuvia, Gan Yavne, Chatzor and Kiryat Malachi. UPDATE 08:09AM IL: Sirens sounding in Eshkol Council and Beersheva. The Homefront has closed all schools within 40km range of Gaza. Persons living in the 7km range of the Gaza border may not leave their homes, including going to work. Gatherings of over 100 people are prohibited. After hearing a rocket impact, residents are instructed to remain in a shelter for at least 10 minutes. It is prohibited to gather in rocket impact areas. UPDATE 08:06AM IL: Sirens sounded in Beersheva about 2 minutes ago. Sirens in Eshkol Regional Council. Road closings by the IDF include: Route 34 towards Yad Mordechai-Erez, Route 232 towards Gavim- Saad, Route 25 towards Netivot-Saad, 232 towards its northern border, 241 in the areas of Orot, Maon Re’em. UPDATE 08:04AM IL: THE IDF southern district commander has closed a number of roads in the areas under attack. Sirens sounded in the Eshkol Regional Council about two minutes ago. A rocket landed near Kiryat Malachi. Sirens sounding near Nir Am. No injuries reported at this time. UPDATE 08:02AM IL: Israel Police is operating at high alert fearing Hamas and other terror organizations are determined to perpetrate a terror attack in Israel. Police are concerned with the time of the funeral of Hamas’ chief of staff in particular, who was eliminated in an IAF surgical strike on Wednesday, 29 Cheshvan 5773. The funeral is set in Gaza for about 11:30am. UPDATE 08:00AM IL: IAF dropping leaflets over Gaza warning civilians to distance themselves from Hamas rocket launching areas UPDATE 07:59AM IL: Iron Dome intercepts two rockets over Ashdod and one over Ashkelon. UPDATE 07:57AM IL: Sirens sounding in Kibbutz Re’em and Nirim. UPDATE 07:56AM IL: Sirens sounding again in Beersheva as well as Ashkelon, Lachish areas, Zikim, Kiryat Malachi, Ashkelon Regional Council, and Eshkol Regional Council. UPDATE 07:54AM IL: At least four katyusha rockets fired at Beersheva. Two intercepted by Iron Dome. No immediate report of injuries. UPDATE 07:43AM IL: PA (Palestinian Authority) UN ambassador accuses Israel of war crimes. Gaza sources reporting 15 dead and over 100 wounded from air force attacks. UPDATE 07:31AM IL: The IAF earlier this morning targeted terrorists in the Khan Yunis area of Gaza, killing at least three. In addition, the air force launched tens of sorties during the night, targeting munitions storage and manufacturing facilities. UPDATE 07:27AM IL: Sirens during the night sounded in areas including Beersheva, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Eshkol Regional Council, Ra’at, Gan Yavne, Ofakim, Gadera, Netivot, Kerem Shalom area, Bnei Shimon Council and others. B’chasdei Hashem there are no injuries being reported from the attacks during the night. UPDATE 07:07AM IL: Israel Police on high alert nationwide to prevent terror attacks inside Israel. UPDATE 06:27AM IL: 12 katyusha rockets were fired at Beersheva. Six were intercepted by the Iron Dome and six landed in empty fields. UPDATE 03:21AM IL: Rockets fired at the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. UPDATE 02:59AM IL: Rockets fired towards Beersheva. Two rockets land in an open area. A third rocket intercepted by the Iron Dome. UPDATE 02:38AM IL: Two rockets land in an open area in the Beersheva area. UPDATE 01:10AM IL: Three rockets fired towards Beersheva. Some intercepted by the Iron Dome.

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