Friday, November 16, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Urgent Request To Recite Tehillim

-----Original Message----- From: Daily Halacha To: Chaya Wolper Sent: Fri, Nov 16, 2012 9:08 am Subject: Urgent Request To Recite Tehillim URGENT REQUEST TO RECITE TEHILLIM There has been an escalation of rocket-fire from Gaza into southern andd parts of central Israel over recent days. Dozens of rockets exploded in Beersheba, Ashdod, Hof Ashkelon, Ashkelon, Shear Hanegev, Ofakim, Sderot, Eshkol and Kiryat Malachi where three people were killed. Thursday night and Friday, long-range Fajr rockets exploded in Greater Tel Aviv region, two landing near Bat Yam and two between Rishon Lezion and Palmachim. The Prime Minister and Defense Minister issued a call up of 30,000 reservists who are now reporting at schools throughout Israel which have been converted to registration stations. All public gatherings within 40km range of Gaza are prohibited. Bomb shelters in Tel Aviv have been opened. Many international flights to Israel have been cancelled. There has been violent activity in the north as well, as Syrian mortar shells have landed near Israeli army posts. This is a critical time for everyone in Israel. We appeal to Jews throughout the world to pray and beseech Hashem to undermine the evil designs of those who relish the spilling of Jewish blood. At this time, we urge our followers to recite Tehillim, in particular perakim 83, 130, and 142. The links below offer these Perkaim in Hebrew, transliterated English, and translated English. You can also follow along by listening to an audio recitation of the Perakim. Tehillim, Perek 83 Tehillim, Perek 130 Tehillim, Perek 142 B'Haslacha Torah Learning Resources Ltd Providers of...

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