Thursday, November 8, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Young Israel of Oceanside Needs Help

Hi, all. Some of you are probably aware of the damage our friend Sandy left behind her. I am enclosing info that my shul sent out. If you are inclined to donate, please consider this: Please spread the word to the many YIO alumni, institutions and concerned individuals who have asked how they can help The Jewish community is keenly aware of the devastation inflicted on Long Island by hurricane Sandy. Many organizations and individuals have reached out to us and asked how can they help. Where can they send funds to? As you know, the building of the Young Israel of Oceanside was heavily damaged. We lost three Torah scrolls and thousands of seforim. All our youth program furniture and toys were destroyed. Insurance proceeds will not cover all our loses. We have therefore set up an emergency Young Israel hurricane relief fund. You may either go to our web site http:// and make your donation online or send your checks directly to: Young Israel of Oceanside 150 Waukena Ave Oceanside NY 11572. Please make out your checks to the Young Israel of Oceanside and mark your envelope Hurricane Emergency Fund Thank You for caring. May all Cholim experience a Refuah Shelaimah, IY"H. --

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