Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fwd: [chicago-aneinu] Updates - Fatalities in Kiryat Malachi

From Ammi who recently made aliyah from Chicago . -----Original Message----- From: Ammi Dorevitch To: Myysbyy Sent: Thu, Nov 15, 2012 1:19 am Subject: Re: [chicago-aneinu] Updates - Fatalities in Kiryat Malachi Chaya Miriam, Thanks for sharing. Kiryat Malachi is just a few minutes from our neighborhood. We go there on a regular basis for shopping, bank, gym and more. We were in the mamad (bomb shelter) this morning and can hear thuds on a regular basis. Schools in our region are closed and the municipality has scheduled a trip to the Jerusalem Zoo for families. 11 buses to the zoo from our neighborhood (that's about 600 ppl). Our kids are amazing and our hero's! They are saying Tehillim, davening and getting supplies for the mamad. This is our reality today. We are strong and resilient. Those in the South are living under constant terror and trauma. We need to daven for our Chayalim and all of Klal Yisrael for peace and safety. May we only know shalom and shalem! Ammi

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