Tuesday, December 25, 2012

[aneinu] From Israel: 5 Yr old boy needs kidney transplant

A five year old boy from Jerusalem is on dialysis and needs a kidney donor, blood group O. His older sister aged 7 had a kidney transplant a year ago, and his younger brother aged 3 received a kidney last month. I am a middle-aged Anglo Olah Chadasha and I am a donor to a 48 yr old mother of 6 - 1.5 years ago now B"H. It is one of my proudest accomplishments and greatest mitzvah. Please contact me for more information Many thanks! Tizki lemizvot! -------------------------------------------- Marci Rapp MarSea Modest Swim & Gymwear Cover what you want...in style! www.MarSeaModest.com marci@bezeqint.net 050-424-8359 Thornhill>Katamon, July22/08 SAVE A LIFE! DONATE A KIDNEY in Israel - I did - contact me for more information. --

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