Sunday, December 23, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] An Urgent Call To The Community To Save A Life!

An Urgent Call To The Community To Save A Life! Rebecca Salame, is in urgent need of our help. She is a single mother with late stage Lymphoma. If she doesn't get a bone marrow transplant in 3-6 months, then there will be nothing left for her to do. Her physicians tell her that there is a higher probability of finding a match with a Sephardic Jew. I invite you to urge everyone to embrace this opportunity for pikuach nefesh. Rebecca's transplant team and main local oncologist are at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Here is what you can do! Log onto the Be The Match website. Order your free cheeck swabbing kit. This will not hurt! Your results will be recorded in Be The Match's database. The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania has a dedicated person on staff who tracks these results. If a match is found, they will immediately be contacted. If one of us is a possible donor, here is some information about giving blood for stem cells. Read the letter from Rebecca here: Read the letter from Rebecca here

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