Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fwd: [Aneinu] Please Daven

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Date: December 5, 2012, 10:15:47 AM CST
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Please Daven

Please daven for Rav Shmuel Elchonon ben Yocheved.

Tefillos for Rav Shmuel Elchonon Brog

Wednesday December 5, 2012 7:44 AM -
All are asked to daven for a refuah sheleimah for Rav Shmuel Elchonon Brog, who is in need of rachamei Shomayim.
Rav Brog was a longtime beloved maggid shiur at Yeshiva Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, where he nurtured and was mechaneich talmidim over a number of decades.

Rav Brog was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He wife, Rebbetzin Sheine Brog, is the oldest daughter of the legendary rov, mashgiach and mashpiah, Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l.
Rav Brog is the patriarch of a beautiful mishpacha, comprised of many rabbonim, rebbetzins and marbitzei Torah, including Rav Yisroel Brog, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva and Kollel Tiferes Avigdor in Wickliffe, OH; Rav Yehudah Brog, R"M in Yeshiva Ohr Hameir of Peekskill; Rav Eliyahu Brog, rov of the Bais Yisroel Torah Center in Flatbush; and his son-in-law, Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen, rov of Khal Ateres Yeshaya in Lakewood.
The name for Tehillim is Rav Shmuel Elchonon ben Yocheved.

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