Tuesday, December 18, 2012

YWN [Aneinu] Hodu L'Hashem! Yanky Ostreicher Released from Jail On Bail

Sources tell YWN that after 30 court hearings, Jacob Ostreicher has been released on bail, and to house arrest. The bail amount is around $$14,400 U.S. Dollars. Ostreicher arrived at the Bolivia courthouse on Tuesday wearing a bullet-proof flak jacket & helmet, after death threats were made against him, stating that he would never walk out of the courthouse alive. Further details shortly. Jacob Ostreicher, a married father of five and grandfather of 11, was arrested in June 2011 by Bolivian police while he was overseeing a rice growing venture that he had invested in. He was accused of money laundering but 18 months later has yet to be formally charged with any crimes. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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