Wednesday, January 30, 2013


The Shiras Hayam, the great Song sang by Klal Yisroel after they were saved at the Yam Suf, opens by relating that both the horse and its Egyptian rider were cast into the sea. The women too, sang a Shirah, led by Miriam, and interestingly the only verse of the Song that the Torah reports they sang was the one regarding the horse and its rider both being cast into the sea. Some suggest that Miriam was pointing out to the women an important lesson. The whole point of the redemption from Egypt was of course, for Klal Yisroel to receive the Torah at Har Sinai, and the principle mitzvah is of course learning the holy Torah - which is something that women are not commanded to do. Nonetheless, women who run the household and encourage and enable their husbands to occupy themselves with learning Torah share in the tremendous reward for those who learn Torah. Thus Miriam encouraged the women to sing after their redemption, as she pointed out that although the horses did nothing wrong, but merely enabled the riders to chase the Jews they were nonetheless punished. Heavenly rewards are always given out in greater measure than punishments, and surely, then, if the women will aid their husbands to learn Torah they will merit a great reward. This week's journal will focus on women's leadership roles in Judaism,(AUDIO VERSION HERE) A SHORT SUMMARY EVERYBODY HAS THEIR OWN ROLE IN JUDAISM.A WOMEN SHOULD NOT HAVE A ROLE OF AUTHORITY IF SHE WILL BE AGAINST PEOPLE BUT IF NOT THEN ITS FINE.PLUS an interesting case in which an errant delivery was made, (not on horseback but by car) and the question of whether any reimbursement was merited for the misplaced effort.

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