Tuesday, February 12, 2013

[Aneinu] Help Jonathan Pollard

Please sign this request. It is a mitzvah of pidyon shivuyim and it doesn’t cost a penny! Chodesh tov MITZVA - Please take one minute to sign, then Share with others Please take one minute to click this link http://www.atzuma.co.il/presidentobama Put your name in the first box (Hebrew or English) Your city in the second box (Hebrew or English) Your email address in the third box It's a request for President Obama to bring *J. Pollard* with him when he comes to Israel in a few weeks. Our goal: 10,000 signatures & we already have 75% within a few days. Please be the community that puts us over 100%, and please share this request with others. Thanks! Hodesh Tov

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