Sunday, February 10, 2013

[Aneinu] Please Daven for 2 year old

Please daven for Rafael Yoel Ozer ben Chaya Malka. Tehillim below. I'm very conscious of the fact that most people are over-bombarded with emails, and therefore very reluctant to send non-Partners in Torah-related emails. But after visting 2-year old Yoel Feder in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for the second time since his accident, I feel compelled to reach out to our members and friends. If the details of the incident are unfamiliar to you, you may read about it here What this article cannot possibly convey is the anguish of the family as the life of this innocent little boy hangs in the balance. The Feders are personal friends of mine and long-time supporters of Partners in Torah. While groups of many hundreds of people have already come together several times to recite special prayer's on Yoel's behalf, his mom Michelle made a personal request - that I reach out to the Partners in Torah family and beg them to pray and do at least one mitzvah as a merit for the complete recovery of Rafael Yoel Ozer ben Chaya Malka (The name Rafael was added due to his life-threatening condition.) I leave it to you to consider how to best fulfill this mother's heartfelt request. May we all hear good news. Good Shabbos. Eli Gewirtz

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