Thursday, February 7, 2013

[Aneinu] Remember Menashe Chaim? Please Daven for Him!

Rosh Chodesh Av, 3.5 years ago Menashe Chaim ben Shulamit Tufcha jumped into the sewage drain (in Israel) in order to save a three and a half year old, Racheli Sofer. He didn’t know who she was, but he didn’t think about that. It could have been our child, grandchild or sister, chas v’shalom. Unfortunately, Racheli lost her life and Menashe has been in a coma ever since. His wife and 5 young children have been struggling without a husband and father for 3.5 years now! Ladies around the world are davening for him when lighting their Shabbos candles. May this year be a Purim Sameach for everyone, B’ezras Hashem ! For more information contact unfortunately there is very little improvement with Menashe - although my daughter said that she saw him move for the first time b'H. we are having a world wide tefillos for him candle lighting of parshas zachor again - if you would be able to pass it on or print some posters for shuls/schools etc it would be a great help, thanks so much,

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