Sunday, March 17, 2013

[Aneinu] 3-Year-Old Terror Victim Fighting for Her Life

Please daven for Adele bat Edva. Yeshiva World News 3-Year-Old Terror Victim Fighting for Her Life Little 3-year-old Adele Biton is fighting for her life after being critically injured in a vehicular accident near Ariel in Shomron last week. The accident was the result of rock-throwing at vehicles, and in this case, a bus was hit causing the driver to lose control, resulting in a private vehicle smashing into the rear of a truck. A mother and her daughters were injured in the accident, with Adele suffering the worst injuries. She underwent a number of brain surgeries since the accident and doctors in Schneider Children’s Hospital on motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayikra explain “She is far from out of the woods and we are fighting for her life”. Soldiers arrested at least eight suspects in the case, residents of Arab villages near Ariel. See the video footage released by the IDF Spokesman’s Office showing soldiers operating at night using night vision apparatus to make the arrests.

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