Tuesday, March 19, 2013

[Aneinu] Baby Critical - Please Daven

Baby Adelle Biton’s condition has worsened and she is in critical, life threatening condition at Schneider Children’s Hospital in Petach Tikva. “We regret to say that Adelle’s condition is deteriorating and we ask the entire public to pray for her health,” her father, Rafi, said today. Adelle’s name for Tehillim is Adelle Chaya Bat Adva, reports Arutz Sheva. Adelle’s mother, Adva, was listed in moderate to serious condition after the attack by rock-throwing murderous terrorists, which caused her car to crash into a truck. Two other daughters, Naama and Avigayil, suffered moderate wounds. The family lives in Yakir, according to Arutz Sheva. {Matzav,com Israel}

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