Wednesday, March 20, 2013

[Aneinu] Message From Founder of Aneinu

Received from Shaindy Kappel, founder of Aneinu: The name of the woman is Soro bas Linda, she is not frum. She doesn't know her mother's hebrew name. She is a woman in her early 40's who was recently diagnosed with stage four cancer in her brain and other areas in her body as well. After 14 radiation treatments and starting chemo, she just found out yesterday that the tumors did not respond to the treatments and instead got larger. I am asking everyone to add her name to their tehillim list. Rabbi Dovid Weinberger, when he gave me the instructions for Aneinu explained that each community should have a community based cholim list and each aneinu group should say the names of those within their respective community. We need not say the names of cholim all over the world, because that becomes an impossible task, and l'zorainu harav, the list is endless. He explained that since we can assume the cholim are frum-their family, friends and community will daven for them. But he said, in a case of a baal teshuva or someone who is not frum-we can assume that there is NO ONE who will daven for them and in this case, we all become the family of the choleh and daven for them. this rule applies in the case of Soro Bas Linda. I will update you on the name every few months Tizku l',mitzvos Chag Kosher V'someach

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