Wednesday, March 6, 2013

[Aneinu] A Plea for Tefillos

I was asked to forward the following: My best friend, Tehilla, is anorexic. Right now, she is in the hospital and she hasn't eaten anything for over a week. Anorexia is a mental illness, and it sounds stupid; after all, why can't she just EAT, right? Well, I can't expain it or fix it, but I can ask you all to do something. When I say that Tehilla hasn't eaten for over a week, I mean she has not eaten ANYTHING, nor drunk water...NOTHING. She's in a really really bad place now, and the doctors are more than a little worried. This is petrifying to see, and it makes me realize that Hashem is truly in charge- because there is NOTHING we can do, besides for pray. Therefore, I beg of you to please please have Tehila Bas Aviva Michaeyla in your tefillos, to please take on something, whatever it is, in the zchus of her refuah shelaima, and to pass this email on to everyone you know. (just delete her last name and my name, yeah?) And if you want to organize Sefer Tehillim being said, that would be amazing. For those of you in Israel, I am getting girls here to say some every day to complete the whole sefer before shekiyah. Please email me if you want to sign up, or start your own. Thank you so much! With your help and the help of Klal Yisroel, we can show Hashem how much we care about another precious Yid, and save my best friend, and give her her life back. Thank you for reading, and for caring. Love, Rena

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