Wednesday, March 20, 2013

[Aneinu] Please Daven

Please daven for Rachel bas Yafa 16-Year-Old Girl Calls from Trunk of Arab Car (Wednesday, March 20th, 2013) A mother called Learn and Live complaining that her 16-year-old daughter was hanging around with three Arab men from Shechem. When confronted, the teenage girl claimed that the Arabs treated her like a princess and they were all just friends. Learn and Live counselors called the girl and tried to make a time to meet with her but to no avail. Two days later, the girl called Learn and Live from the trunk of a car. “They are taking me into Shechem! They told me to stay in the trunk to get thru the Israeli checkpoint”. Frantic chase efforts were made to find the car and the girl but to no avail. Her mother and Learn and Live staff have not heard from her. The public is asked to pray for Rachel bas Yafa who is now in Shechem. (YWN – NYC World Headquarters)

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