Wednesday, March 13, 2013


here is a Medrash that says there was a ship that was on the waters. Suddenly there was a storm and everybody was getting crazy, the ship began to drown. There was a little boy lying on deck on a little chair, taking a little sun bath.

So they say to him 'hey brother, aren't you afraid?'

He says 'my father is the captain'.

Friends, the way the world shuckles today, the tornadoes, the missiles… unless it's clear to you that your father is the captain, you think maybe you should jump to the sea and commit suicide. What is the world coming to? But if you know your father is the captain, you are sure the ship is on the right way to the right island.

Somewhere somewhere there is a beautiful island, somewhere somewhere. And that island is untouched by evil, it is untouched by anything unholy, it's untouched by hatred.

You know something friends, if we have the awesome privilege, we are going to this island every Shabbos. Every Shabbos we are in another world. I'm sure it's clear to you that Shabbos is not just that I keep Shabbos, I don't drive my car. I don't run my business and I eat chicken soup. That is all kids stuff. Shabbos is so much more than all that, Shabbos we are in another world.

So I want to bless you friends, this Shabbos we should cross all the waves and get to that island.

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