Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Friends, let it be clear to you, the golden calf was not so simple, not that I am telling you stories to justify it, I am just telling you what happened.

Before Moshe Rabbeinu went up to Mount Sinai, he told the Jewish people 'I'll be back on the fortieth day'. The thing is that we didn't know exactly if it's forty days besides this day of giving the Torah or if this day is included too. The truth is that the day Moshe Rabbeinu spoke about was not included, it was the next day.

So here we are left all alone in the desert.

Remember friends, when they built the Brooklyn Bridge, the first day people were going onto the bridge because thousands of people wanted to see the bridge. Suddenly one person starts yelling that the bridge is falling in. Only one person yelled and everyone started jumping off the bridge. I'm not sure how many but about fifty thousand people were killed and injured because one person yelled. So everyone was waiting for Moshe to come down and keep his promise and he doesn't come down. So someone says that he will never come back because he went up to heaven and that's it.

You also have to realize that a lot of people came with us out of Egypt who weren't part of our nation. When Moshe Rabbeinu proclaimed freedom to the world, any slave in Egypt who had a sense that they wanted to be free walked out with them, but they weren't really ready for it yet. Maybe they didn't want to be a slave, but not wanting to be a slave doesn't mean you are ready for freedom, takes a lot more than that. So they said 'hey, we have different ways…if this doesn't work let's go back to our idols'.

We are still suffering from the golden calf until the Mashiach is coming, so the question is why did G-d really test us like this? What came out from such a sin?

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