Friday, May 3, 2013

[Aneinu] Nightly Tehillim Teleconference for Reb. Gluck

There is a nightly Tehillim teleconference to say Tehillim for Rebbetzin Sora Gluck, Alta Sara Freida bas Ruchama Aidel Roiza Shoshana, which is led by former Chicagoan Chana Schnurman. Weekdays begin at 8:00 PM Chicago Time Motzei Shabbos begins at 9:30 PM Chicago Time Call 1(209) 647-1600 Access code 133686# Tehillim recited are 6, 20, 30, 130, 142 and then kappitel 13 is said 13 times, followed by the Yehi Ratzon for cholim. All are invited to participate. If you have any questions you can call Goldie Weil at (773)973-6715.

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