Wednesday, May 1, 2013

[Aneinu] Tonight! Tehillim Gathering for Reb. Sora Gluck

There will be a Tehillim gathering tonight, Wed, 5/1 to daven for Reb. Sora Gluck, Alta Sara Freida bas Ruchama Aidel Roiza Shoshana, who is in much need of our tefillos. We will be meeting at Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov Elementary School 3200 W. Peterson. The entranceway on Lincoln should be open. We will begin reading the Aneinu Tehillim booklets at 8:45 PM. At approximately 9:05 PM we will say the Tehillim kapitlach for cholim out loud, together May we hear besoros tovos. Chaya Miriam.

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