Monday, May 27, 2013


S"A SIMAN 5 SIF 1 MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 1 He should not conduct himself like a person who acts out of habit and pronounces words with his mouth without contemplating them in his mind. For this behavior, the anger of the Lord flared up against His people and He sent to inform us through Yeshayah, 1 ” Because of the fact that this people has approached, with its mouth and its lips it has honored Me and its heart is far from Me.” See further /in the S.Ch./, the extensive /discussion/ of the gravity of the punishment for this. 1 Yeshayah 29:13. MISHNA BERURA DIRSHU CHELEK 1 Q:WHAT DOES THE SEFER CHASIDIM SAY? A:A STORY ABOUT A MAN WHO PASSED AWAY B/4 HIS TIME AND 12 MONTHS LATER HE CAME TO HIS RELATIVE IN A DREAM AND THE RELATIVE ASKED HIM HOW ITS GOING OVER THERE?HE ANSWERED EVERY DAY HE IS BEING JUDGED FOR NOT BEING CAREFUL YO MAKE THE BRACHAS OF HAMOTZI FRUIT AND BENCHING WITH KAVANAS HALAV(SEE NOTE 2).

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