Monday, May 27, 2013

NAALEH.COM URGENT - Please pray for Bracha Ahuva bat Minna Nechama

URGENT: Please pray for Bracha Ahuva bat Minna Nechama Dear Naaleh Friend, Please take a moment today to say Tehillim chapters 6 and 30 on behalf of Bracha Ahuva bat Minna Nechama.a woman who is in critical condition following surgery. Update: A name has been added to the young father with a brain tumor. Please continue to pray for the complete recovery of Refael Yehuda Chaim ben Shifra. May the merits of all of Klal Yisrael's tefillot send a complete recovery to all of the sick people among our nation. May we only hear good news, Hally Goldstein and the Naaleh family

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