Monday, June 10, 2013

JEM 24 exalted hours and 365 days of inspiration

Dear Friend, Gimel Tammuz is upon us. This is a day when every Chosid contemplates their connection with the Rebbe, and how they can follow in his ways through thought, study, action. At JEM, this process includes not only us as individuals, but we consider it a time to reflect on our work as a whole, looking back at the past year, and also thinking practically about how we can do even better as we move forward. One of our most important accomplishments of the past year has been the Living Torah app. It has engendered tremendous study and inspiration, and has enabled access to videos of the Rebbe on an unparalleled level. For Gimel Tammuz, we’ve decided the best thing we can do is share the 2,000+ priceless videos in the app with even more people. As such, we’re making two major offers for Gimel Tammuz: 1. Starting from nightfall at 8:26 PM tonight EST through 8:26 PM on Tuesday, the app will be 100% free. All 2,000+ videos of the Rebbe will be fully accessible to everyone. 2. During these 24 hours special discounted prices will be offered for new memberships at . We hope you take advantage of these two amazing opportunities: Enjoy the videos all day long, and then continue the inspiration for a full year to come! The Living Torah App Team PS. During this day, it is appropriate to make a donation to a cause connected with the Rebbe. We can certainly use your help. Please help us continue producing, translating, and providing access to the recordings of the Rebbe’s lifetime by donating generously to JEM.

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