Wednesday, July 3, 2013

YU TORAH Pinchas 5771 : Point of Perpetuity Mrs. Shira Smiles By Mrs. Shira Smiles

Eliyahu Hanavi… Bimharah … yavo elenu im moshiach ben Dovid. As we leave the table after havdalah, or as we sit around the Seder table we sing, “Elijah the prophet … may he soon come to us with Moshiach, son of David.” When we attend a circumcision, there is Eliyahu’s seat, where we place the baby momentarily and symbolically expect Eliyahu to witness the ceremony. When danger lurks, we feel Eliyahu himself has come to save the day. According to the Medrash, Eliyahu Hanavi is none other than Pinchas, grandson of Aharon Hakohen, of this Parsha. What is the secret that transformed Pinchas into this powerhouse of redemption? This Parsha picks up where last week’s Parsha ended. The Midianite women had seduced the Jewish men to sin and to worship their gods. Zimri, a prince of the tribe of Shimon, brought his Midianite paramour into the camp and publicly sinned before Moshe in front of the Tent of Assembly. A terrible plague immediately broke out, killing twenty four thousand Jews. While all watched in shock, Pinchas got up from amidst the assembly, took a spear and killed both Zimri and Kosbi. Immediately the plague stopped. Our Parsha picks up at this point. Hashem validates Pinchas’ action and announces that he extends to Pinchas “His covenant of peace” for “he had zealously avenged Me among them so I did not consume the Children of Israel in My vengeance.”

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