Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ah Mechayeh! & Other Yiddish Songs IS AT KESHER STAM

Yiddish, Ah Yiddish! You will agree that Yiddish, spoken or sung, has a certain geshmak, chein and Yiddish taam that just can't be captured in any other language. So it is with thanks to The Ribono Shel Olam that I present to you, dear listener, 13 Yiddish songs, that I hope will inspire and uplift you like only a Yiddish song can. I was reminded of the Chasid who would often translate the words of davening into Yiddish. When asked on what basis does he take the liberty to do so, he responded: "Mein yetzer hara farshteit besser oif Yiddish" (my yetzer hara understands better in Yiddish)! Also, I felt that after my previous CD "Keep Climbing," the time was right for a musical change. So Yiddish it is. All Yiddish! In preparing this album, I rediscovered some old Yiddish favorites, added several new compositions, and after months of recording and tweaking, you can now hold the final product in your hand. --- A message from Avraham Fried, Chai (18th day) Elul 5773 Almost two years since his last album, "Keep Climbing," Fried proudly presents his third Yiddish CD entitled "Ah Mechayeh!" Avraham Fried's first two Yiddish albums, with songs composed by R' Yom Tov Ehrlich went on to become iconic albums, which touched the hearts and souls of so many. Songs like Yakov, My Little Leaf, Dee Torah, and Yosef Moker Shabbos went on to become worldwide staples. This new Yiddish album features 13 tracks including new songs written and composed especially for him, along with familiar songs. The world's finest musicians took part in the production of the new album and include Pinky Weber, Lipa Schmeltzer, Avremi G, Naftali Schnitzler, Yuval Stoppel, Yitzy Waldner, Eli Lashinsky and more. (SAMEACH).PRINT DISCOUNT HERE.

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