Monday, August 5, 2013

[Aneinu] Learning TANACH to Promote Achdus - UPDATE - Currently at 84% hoping for 100% by Rosh Chodesh Elul

Dear Friends, Rosh Chodesh Elul Moshe Rabbeinu went up Har Sina to get the second set of luchos. As we continue the learning of Tanach to promote achdus in our own community, let's see what we can do to assign the last remaining sections of TANACH. Men, women and children are encouraged to join in! Please complete your learning by Shabbos Chol HaMoed Succos September 21st. Here are the segments that are left. Numbers in parenthesis are the numbers of pusikim. Please send an email to to join this project. TORAH Beshalach (116) - Terumah (96) - Tetzaveh (101) - Ki Sisa (139) - Vayakhel (122) - Pekudei (92) - Shemini (91) - Metzorah (90) - Acharei (80) - Emor (124) - Naso (176) - Beha'aloscha (136) - Matos (112) - NEVIIM Yirmiya / Jeremiah 22-31 (277) - Yirmiya / Jeremiah 32-41 (244) - Yirmiya / Jeremiah 42-52 (335) - Nahum, Chavakuk/Habbakuk, Zephania (156) - KESUVIM 1 Divrei Hayamim / Chronicles 9-16 (249) - 1 Divrei Hayamim / Chronicles 23-29 (211) - 2 Divrei Hayamim / Chronicles 10-18 (181) - 2 Divrei Hayamim / Chronicles 19-27 (188) -

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