Tuesday, August 27, 2013

[Aneinu] Please Daven for Rav Batzri Shlita

Please daven for HaRav Dovid Shalom ben Victoria Rav Batzri Shlita Collapses While Giving a Shiur (Tuesday, August 27th, 2013) Mekubal Rav David Batzri Shlita, Rosh Yeshivat HaShalom in Yerushalayim, collapsed while giving a shiur on Monday, 20 Elul 5773. The rav was giving a shiur on Techakmuni Street in the capital when he collapsed. The rav did not continue the shiur. Magen David Adom was summoned but the rav refused transport to the hospital. The rav decided to go home to rest. Kav HaChashifut reports the rav began feeling pain, which intensified, leading to the family’s decision to take him to Shaare Zedek Medical Center. GI testing revealed an abdominal problem. There are conflicting reports regarding the rav after the tests were completed. Some reports state he signed himself out of the hospital. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)The tzibur is asked to be mispallel for רב דוד שלום בן ויקטוריה בתוך חולי עם ישראל.

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