Sunday, September 15, 2013

[Aneinu]Please Daven for a founder of Ezer Mizion Leah Esther bas Sara (Leah Chollack)

BS"D Rabbi Chananya Chollak's Shlita's wife Leah Esther bas Sarah who together with her husband founded Ezer Mizion is in great need of our tefillas, please daven for a refua schlema for her, thank you. In 1979 Ezer Mizion "started as a modest initiative, with hot meals cooked by Leah Chollak and distributed in hospitals, and a small group of neighbors who were drafted to relieve exhausted parents sitting at the hospital bedside of their sick children." It has since grown into a massive organization which "offers an extensive range of medical and social support services to help Israel's sick, disabled, elderly and underprivileged populations." She has helped scores and scores of people over these years. May our prayers for her be heard. deborah mayer

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