Wednesday, September 11, 2013


All his ways are justice (Devarim 32:4)). Hashem created the world in the manner that He did, so that we would be able to observe our environment and learn from it. A basic law of physics states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The stronger a bowstring is pulled back, the further the arrow will be projected. Young children learn that their parents remove an object from the store only after giving the shopkeeper the equivalent value in currency. The moment we become aware of the basic action-reaction principle, we begin to see the tremendous harmony and wisdom within Hashem's creation, both in the natural order and in the social order. That's why Rebbe Nachman of Breslev teaches (Likutei Moharan I:1) that a person must observe the Divine wisdom within every phenomenon of creation; by observing the Divine wisdom instilled in a creation, a person attaches himself to that Divine wisdom, and achieves enhanced proximity to Hashem. All his ways are justice alludes to the Divine wisdom that exists in every part of creation. For example, if a person burns a finger because he was playing with fire, he cannot accuse Hashem of being unjust. The action of carelessness with fire triggers the reaction of a burn. In like manner, Hashem has promised throughout the Torah that the action of observing the Torah's laws will bring about a reaction of Divine blessings in this world and the next; the opposite holds true as well. Maybe you disagree, and say, "Wait a minute – there are wicked people that do evil things and they don't get hit with a bolt of lightning or swallowed up by the ground. Where's Hashem's justice? Even worse, how many times do we see wicked tyrants on top of the world, enjoying money and success? The score of a football game at halftime doesn't determine the winner. A person that pays for an expensive ticket certainly doesn't leave the stadium in the middle of the game, without knowing the outcome. Therefore, when it appears that wicked people are living happy, carefree, and affluent lives, don't be impressed – the game's not over. All his ways are justice – rest assured that every human on earth is held totally accountable for everything that he or she does

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