Tuesday, September 24, 2013


1ST WAS WHAT IF NOW THERE Veha'arev Na Halachic Challenges and Solutions Based on the Weekly Parsha We ask Hashem each day “Veha’arev Na – Please make our Torah learning sweet!” What better way than through the fascinating halachic challenges discussed in the bestselling Hebrew series, “Veha’arev Na”, now translated for the first time into English. What happens when the questions & challenges of daily life are viewed through the eternal prism of Torah? Well, you'll be surprised, shocked, and delighted to find out - as you travel through the captivating pages of Veha'arev Na. Based upon the shuirim of Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein and linked to the weekly parshah, this sefer tackles the unique and complex issues that characterize Jewish life today. Intriguing, fascinating, always thought-provoking, and written in a style all readers will find engaging, this is one Sefer Halachah you will truly devour from first page to last. Written in a deceptively easy style, “Veha’arev Na” brings excitement of Torah to everyone’s Shabbos table. (FROM FELDHEIM) Start the Torah Conversation What If... makes a wonderful addition to our Shabbos table. Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein shlita is a noted rav and posek, as well as a son-in-law of Rav Elyashiv zt'l. What If... presents hundreds of halachic questions and answers in the order of the weekly parashah, making it the perfect starting point for fascinating Torah conversations. The questions are short, and each includes a practical, real-world scenario. The answers, too, are concise, and though they contain a world of Torah knowledge, they are easy to follow. A man jokingly tells his friend to microwave an esrog to make it ripen quickly - who is responsible for the damage? A surgeon learns a new technique from a presentation, without paying the entrance fee. May he use that technique, or is it stealing? A mother doesn't want to reveal her child's illness, thus keeping people from praying for him. Is that permitted? Challenge your family or guests with these thought-provoking halachic questions, and watch the energy around the table begin to surge. This is Torah conversation at its best.(FROM ARTSCROLL) AND BY THE WAY IF YOU DON'T HAVE WHAT IF YET GET WHAT IF AND Veha'arev Na AT YOUR LOCAL BOOKSTORE.WHEN WE START BERASHIS THIS WEEK BRING RAV ZILBERSTEIN TO YOUR SHABBOS TABLE.

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