Friday, October 4, 2013

[Aneinu] Tehillim spreadsheet for Gershon Burd

----Original Message----- From: Rabbi Doni Deutsch To: myysbyy Sent: Fri, Oct 4, 2013 12:52 pm Subject: Tehillim spreadsheet for Gershon Burd Dear Friends, Gershon Burd, a young father and former Chicagoan now living with his family in Yershalayim, is in critical need of our Tefillos! He was in a drowning accident and is on life support. Please daven as much as you can for Gershon Binyomin ben Bayla. We are trying to have Sefer Tehillim completed as many times each day as a z’chus for him and have created a Google spreadsheet that will allow you to sign up for perakim to say DAILY for the refuah sh’laima for Gershon. We are starting immediately and making a commitment at this time for one week, through Friday Oct. 11. We will check in at that time, and renew our commitments if necessary. The spreadsheet is divided by individual perakim, but you can certainly sign up for multiple perakim. However, please only sign up for as many perakim as you feel you can say. We would like to finish Sefer Tehillim as many times as possible, so please only sign up in the open slots that are part of a started column. As each column is completed, we can start subsequent ones. If for whatever reason you realize you cannot commit to saying the perakim you have signed up for, please remove your name and those slots will become available for someone else to take. The spreadsheet is cloud-based so any and all changes you make are automatically saved and everyone can see. As such, please refrain from making any formatting changes. We will add columns as needed. Click on the link below to join. It will take you to a spreadsheet where you can sign up to say tehi@llim for Gershon on a DAILY basis starting immediately through next Friday, Oct. 11. Choose the perek or perakim you want, type in your name, and that is it. You can close / exit the document. Do not type over anyone else name or the chapter numbers. The document is live, which means you and others can view and add your names at the same time, so you may see other changes happen while you make yours. Again, please make sure all perekim are accounted for in a column before starting the next column. If you have any questions about the document please contact Esti at: Tizku l'mitzvos. May we share b’suros tovos.

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