Wednesday, October 2, 2013


This week's parsha discusses the seven days of creation. The Torah tells us that Hashem created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. We are also told that He "blessed" the seventh day. Rashi explains that the "blessing" in this context refers to the fact that while the Jewish were wandering in the dessert, they would receive manna every day, except for Shabbos. Instead, on Friday they would receive a double portion of manna that served their Shabbos needs, as well. One might wonder how this can be considered to be a blessing for the Shabbos day. It seems to be more about a deficiency regarding Shabbos than a blessing! Additionally, what is so significant about the fact that they received their Shabbos portion of manna on Fridays? The Divrei Yosher says in the name of Chazal that when the Jews collected the manna on Friday, they collected just as much as they collected on every other day. It was only when they returned home that they realized that they had a double portion in their baskets. What this means, is that not only did the Shabbos manna arrive one day earlier, but it came without any extra effort! To receive a double portion of manna without investing any effort is indeed a blessing. Thisdemonstrates that Shabbos is not just a day of rest; it is also the source of all blessing. CLICK HERE FOR PRINT VERSION.

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