Friday, October 18, 2013

Meoros Hashabbos, Volume 8 (English) Practical Laws arranged for weekly study at the Shabbos Table IS AT KESHER STAM

The Meoros HaShabbos Project has helped change the Shabbos experience of Jews the world over, and it's easy to see why. With easy-to-grasp elucidations of the laws of Shabbos, beautifully told anecdotes, and glistening jewels of wisdom from our Sages, it gives spice and spirit to the Shabbos table for the entire family. Divided according to the weekly Torah portion, Meoros HaShabbos is eminently valuable, amazingly do-able, and a surefire success. Having completed the laws of Shabbos in the first six volumes, this volume covers a the following halachos: Meat and Dairy, Separating Challah, Immersing New Utensils, Acts of Kindness, Bein Adam L’Chaveiro, Protecting the Property of Others, Protecting Our Health and Property, Lashon Hora, and Honroing Parents.(FROM FELDHEIM)

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