Wednesday, November 13, 2013

BAIS HAVAAD ON THE PARSHA 5774 Parshas Vayeitzei- Ma'aser and It's Reward

The Rambam (Hilchos Melachim, 9:1) writes that Avraham Avinu was commanded to perform the mitzvah of Bris Miloh, whereas Yitzchak Avinu instituted the practice of Ma'aser[U1] , tithes. The Ra'avad questions these words of the Rambam, pointing to the fact that it appears that Avraham, and not Yitzchak, was the first to separate tithes, as it says in Parshas Lech Lecha, "And he [Avraham] gave him [Malki Zedek] a tenth of everything" (Bereishis, 14:20). Kesef Mishneh answers that Avraham did not give a tenth of everything he owned to Malki Zedek, but rather, he gave only from the spoils of the war that had just taken place. As such, it wasn't Ma'aser, it was simply a gift to honor Malik Zedek. It was Yitzchak who separated a tenth of all the produce that he grew, which is, indeed, the mitzvah of maaser. (The Raavad presumably understands the verse like Rashi, who seems to say that the phrase "a tenth of everything" implies that Avraham actually gave Malki Zedek a tenth of all that he possessed, and not only of the spoils of war. Until now, Avraham had not yet tithed his possessions, possibly because this was the first time that he met Malki Zedek, as implied in Medrash Tehillim, 37). The Radvaz, however, answers the Rambam in a different way. He notes that the mitzvah of Ma'aser is limited to tithing produce that grows, specifically grain, wine and oil, and this is what Yitzchak instituted. Avraham, however, gave a tenth of the spoils of war, which were not grain or produce items. This is known as Ma'aser Kesafim, tithing one's financial earnings and profits. The Chasam Sofer adds that many authorities hold that Maaser Kesafim is not mandated by the Torah, but rather, it is a rabbinical enactment. As such, the Rambam did not mention it here as he was discussing only mitzvos that are mandated by the Torah itself. There is another Medrash, however, quoted by Daas Zekenim, that teaches that Yaakov was in fact the one who instituted Ma'aser Kesafim. This is because we find in this week's Parsha, Vayeitzei, that Yaakov vowed that if Hashem would provide for his basic needs and return him safely to his parents' home, he would tithe one tenth of his possessions for Hashem. According to this approach, Avraham gave a tithe from the spoils of war, Yitzchak instituted tithing agricultural produce, and Yaakov instituted tithing all of one's earnings.(audio here) PRINT VERSION CLICK HERE.

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