Sunday, November 10, 2013


ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SHIUR WITH LOTS OF INSIGHTS AND HALACHA LIMISA THEN RABBI ELEFANT SHIUR IS FOR YOU.PLUS OU DAF HAS A LOT OF BONUS SHIURS ON THE DAF. IF YOU ARE LOOOKING FOR A SHORT SHIUR THEN RABBI FINK DAF IS THE SHIUR FOR YOU B/C EACH DAF IS AROUND 15 MINUTES. THE KOLLEL IYUN HADAF HAS INSIGHTS OUTLINES AND MORE. ' CLICK HERE FOR THE DAF DIGEST FEATURING THE VERY NICE HALACHA HIGHLIGHT. English Commentary - If you wish to read an easy to understand complete English translation of the Daily Daf then our English Commentary is for you. Our Daf Notes English translation incorporates the discussions of the Gemara for the advanced learner's review and at the same time offers an easy to understand translation for the beginner where you can learn and review the Daf Yomi in under 20 minutes a day! Daf Insights - In conjunction, both commentaries offer some additional food for thought, what we call Daf Insights (in the English Commentary) and Iyunim (in the Hebrew Commentary). These Insights consist of Halachic and Aggadic topics and can be used as a springboard for further research and learning. The Insights of the Hebrew Commentary is more advanced than the Insights of the English Commentary. Learn, Master & Remember as Never Before SEE FLYER FOR DAF HACHAIM HERE EACH DAF HAS A AROUND A 5 MINUTE REVIEW. CLICK HERE FOR THE BAIS HAVAAD'S THE DAF IN HALACHA ON MASECHTA YOMA. MEOROS DAF YOMI BRINGS YOU COMPUTERIZED COLOR PICTURES OF MASECHTA YOMA. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MORE HALACHA LIMISA IN YOUR DAF LIKE RAV OVADIA YOSEF SAYS.THEN THE MESIVTA DARCHEI NOAM IS FOR YOU. HAVE YOU HEARD THERE AN ARTSCROLL GEMARA APP OUT THERE FOR YOUR APPLE OR ANDROID DEVICE FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION HERE. The Koren Talmud Bavli is a groundbreaking edition of the Talmud that fuses the innovative design of Koren Publishers Jerusalem with the incomparable scholarship of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. The Koren Talmud Bavli Standard Edition is a full-size, full-color edition that presents an enhanced Vilna page, a side-by-side English translation, photographs and illustrations, a brilliant commentary, and a multitude of learning aids to help the beginning and advanced student alike actively participate in the dynamic process of Talmud study.(FROM KOREN) EVERY WEEK THE YATED NEEMAN HAS INSIGHTS ON THE WEEKS DAF.

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