Monday, December 30, 2013

[Aneinu] Clarification! Tonight's Tehillim Teleconference

The teleconference will be 8:30 Chicago Time. Tonight, at 9:30 p.m. there will be a Tehillim conference, led by Mrs. Esther Parnes, manhigah ruchanis of Bnos Ruach Chaim of Lakewood, as a zechus for Shulamis bas Sarah and Sarah Tziporah bas Miriam Rivkah, two girls who are in critical condition after a vehicle they were in was hit by a drunk driver. To join tonight’s teleconference, please call 401.694.1602 and enter pin code BRC (digits 272). Please mute your phone in order to avoid outside interference and do not announce yourself when prompted. ... the two 16-year-old cousins were hit in Old Bridge, NJ, late Motzoei Shabbos and taken to the hospital in critical condition. May Shulamis bas Sarah and Sarah Tziporah bas Miriam Rivkah merit a refuah shleimah b’karov.

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