Monday, December 16, 2013


S"A SIMAN 131 SIF 2 MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 11 7 with reference to the war of Ay (Ai), “and he fell on his face... before the Ark of the Lord.” If there is no Torah Scroll there, but only other /holy/ books, the E.R. and the D.Hach. are of the opinion that one should not fall on his face, but should just say the psalm /of supplication/ without falling on his face. There are /authorities/ who dispute this. SIF 4 MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 23 Since is a mitzvah to rejoice with /the bridegroom/, the rejoicing extends to all those who accompany him. [Acharonim] MISHNA ERURA DIRSHU CHELEK 2 Q:IF YOU ARE TRYING TO MICHANACH CHILDREN ABOUT TACHANUN DO YOU NEED A SEFER TORAH IN THE ROOM AND DOES A KALAH IN THE EZRAS NASHIM EXEMPT THE MINYAN FROM TACHANUN? A:RAV MOSHE IN IGROS MOSHE SAYS AND RAV CHAIM KINEVSKI SAY THAT IN THIS CASE SIFREI KODESH ARE FINE(SEE NOTE 9).S"T SHEVET HALEVEI SAYS A KALAH IN THE EZEAS NASHIM DOES NOT EXEMPT THE MINYAN FROM TACHANUN BUT IF THEY ARE IN THE HOUSE OF THE KALAH TO HONOR HER THERE THEN THEY ARE EXEMPT FROM TACHANUN(SEE NOTE 20).

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