Thursday, January 9, 2014

[Aneinu] B"H Caleb Avraham ben Elisheva Rus has been found safe and well

Thank you for your tefillos!!! The Brookline Police Department is happy to report 16 year old, Caleb Jacoby, reported missing since January 6th, and has been found. The Brookline Police, working with many other agencies over the past few days were able to provide information to the New York City Police Department that Caleb Jacoby may be in the area of Times Square. Based upon this information at approximately 9PM New York City Police informed us they had located Caleb and he was safe and sound. Plans are now being formulated to transport Caleb back home. Thanks to all agencies that helped in this investigation. Also thanks to all those who took to social media to help get the story out. YWN

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