Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Aneinu Please say Tehillim update

Beineinu Family update - name change Refoel Yitzchaok Isaac ben Michal Chaim Michoel Shlomo ben Michal An urgent request has been made to say Tehillim for the following names: SHIMON OZER BEN TZIPORA MICHAL BAS RACHEL YITZCHAK ISAAC BEN MICHAL   MICHOEL SHLOMO BEN MICHAL Following an exterminator’s visit to their Jerusalem home, the family fell seriously ill. Two of their younger children have died from the poisoning, and the other two are in critical condition. May they have a speedy and complete recovery and be comforted from their loss among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim. Your Friends At Beineinu 347-743-4900

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