Tuesday, February 4, 2014

[Aneinu] Please Daven for Return of Children

Below is a letter written by Rabbi Lesserson, an Aish rabbi in LA. His children were kidnapped by their mother and her new husband, an ex convict. They need tefillos to return home safely. For more information see www.lessersonkids.com Dear All, As most of you probably know, although I have sole custody of my 4 children, I have not seen them in over 2 years. We know that they have been out of the country for well over a year. They were sighted in Mexico in January 2013 but they could be just about anywhere now. We have created a Website for them, a Facebook page and a Twitter feed. Although partially this was done a comfort our pain and as a hishdaldus (effort) to bring them back, there is also a practical side. We are hoping that somebody, somehow who might have seen the kids will reach out to me or law enforcement and let us know where they are. Or perhaps the kids themselves will find the site and know how dearly they are missed and loved. So, please ... comment on the Site, like the FB page and/or follow them on Twitter. But most importantly-please forward this to anyone and everyone who you wish to - especially if you have friends/family in anywhere is Latin or South America (particularly Mexico), PLEASE forward to them and ask them to forward to their contacts. The links are: www.lessersonkids.com www.facebook.com/pages/Lesserson-Kids/247070608784676 www.twitter.com/lessersonkids The kids names are: Rochel Bas Shimon Aharon Rivka Baila Bas Shimon Aharon Yechezkel Shalom Ben Shimon Aharon Yekusiel Ben Shimon Aharon Thank you!! B'soros Tovos, Shimon, Leah, Ida and Gene Lesserson ps - a special Yasher Koach to my Uncle Alan Rothenberg fro dedicating many hours to put this together. Thanks!! Shimon Lesserson Office: 323-931-2400x105 Cell: 818-307-9631 Office Email: slesserson@aspirecareers.com .

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