Monday, March 31, 2014


From the Habers: Dearest Family and Friends, Tomorrow, Monday, march 31, our 10 month old granddaughter, miriam rochel bas chava elisheva, the daughter of Eliyahu and Chava Haber, Will be undergoing major open heart surgery to correct a problem we have known about since she was in utero. Some of you have known about this earlier, and know that we have been amazed by the Grace of G-d we have been shown in so many ways through the last year. There are So Many Good People in this world. And tomorrow, in Boston, is the right day at the right time, with the help of Gd in the hands of a very humble and highly skilled surgeon. we need to rally the troops, so i am asking you to please take a moment tomorrow to think of our Miriam Rochel and ask Gd to guide the hands of those caring for her so she will be able to continue to grow and live a normal life, with a healthy heart. Gd bless all of you with good health to you and all of yours. Love, and thank you, Bayle Haber. .

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