Monday, March 24, 2014


S"A SIMAN 437 SIF 1 MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 2 Note that the author /of the Shulchan Aruch/ rules categorically in conformance with the opinion of the Ran and the R.Ham., that we do not obligate the renter to make the search /for chametz/ unless there are two contributive /factors/, i.e., that /the renter/ acquired it with one of the /required/ methods of acquisition before the beginning of the fourteenth /of Nissan/ and that the key was handed over /to him/. MISHNA BERURA DIRSHU CHELECK 5(PESACH) Q:SHOULD A YESHIVA BACHUR DO BEDIKA OF HIS ROOM AND IF YESHOW DOES A YESHIVA BACHUR DO BEDIKA IN HIS DORM ROOM? A:THE CHAZONISH SAYS YES HE SHOULD DO BEDIKA OF HIS DORM ROOM.THE THE CHAZONISH RAV SHLOMO ZALMAN AURBACH AND RAV ELYASHIV SAYS IF HE IS DOING THE BEDIKA ON THE NIGHT OF THE 14TH THEN MAKE A BRACHA BUT IF HE IS DOING IT B/4 THE NIGHT OF THE 14TH THEN DO NOT MAKE A BRACHA(FO MORE SEE NOTE 2).

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