Sunday, March 2, 2014

CCHF [Aneinu] Fwd: Please forward: Special Tehillim Conference

Please call in tonight, Sunday, for a special Tehillim teleconference for Faiga Zisel bas Zlota Tziporah, an adorable, vivacious 4 year old girl who was found submerged in a bathtub in Arzei Habirah in Yerushalayim. Tonight, Sunday, 10 PM, (9:00 PM CHICAGO TIME) 718.258.2008 menu option 9, selection 1 Although she is in a coma and her condition is extremely serious we know that Hashem can do anything. Please pass this email on to your friends and family as well. Imagine the z'chus we can create for this little girl if thousands of people join with us. Thank you for caring. Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation

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