Thursday, April 3, 2014


Menachem Mendel ben Menuchah Rochel His parents, Efraim and Menucha Rubin, are grateful for all the tehillim and many hachlotos being done in his merit. One such initiative is to increase one's Matzah distributions for his refuah, especially as Matzah is known as Michla D'Asvosa, "Bread of Healing". May all the positive resolutions bring about the desired effect - a refua shleima u'krova b'soch shaar cholei yisroel! May we be zoche to v'nochal sham min hazevachim u'min haPesachim now! Please say Tehillim, kapitlach 20 and 3, for a young boy, Menachem Mendel ben Menucha Rochel, who is undergoing an intensive operation this morning (Thursday, 3 Nissan), beginning at 8:30 ET.

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